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Finding Happiness 2010/09/14

Posted by Leah Guarin in Random Thoughts.
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We each define and crave for happiness differently, depending on our needs and our wants, sometimes even based on our instincts. Financial freedom, for most, will bring them joy as it creates a comfortable world wherein they are no longer burdened by the trivialities of modern life. Having a special someone, to be adored and cherished, to be surrounded by family and friends, to be part of a group; these are probably important sources of happiness for most of us, too.

Why am I suddenly writing about being happy? It’s not because I have found the formula, but rather because I am like everyone else; trying to find the balance. But what makes me truly happy are the simple things in life that we often fail to appreciate. Yes, the simple things from holding hands to handwritten mails.

I am happy when I am watching TV with my son. I get to share a simple experience that enables us to bond. Some people get bored with children’s cartoons and shows repeatedly shown in cartoon network, I don’t. I find the routine enriching as we both discover things together.  The same goes when watching a movie or just watching a TV show with a special someone. The quiet gives me a sense of well being, and their closeness comforts me.

I am happy when I am reading a book. It gives my brain a chance to recuperate from the stress of work. I’m transported to another world wherein I am the heroine. I have just finished reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez for the nth time. I may read Love in the Time of Cholera again or maybe finally finish Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.

I am happy when I am working, because it means that I am earning money. I know that I will be able to give my son a good future and afford little luxuries. The sense of security that comes along with receiving a paycheck every 14 days is comparable to getting your monthly period.

I am happy when I am talking to my friends and sharing my life with them because I believe that’s what relationships are all about – sharing your life with someone. Even when we have nothing to talk about, or we’re chatting up a storm; the conversations strengthen my belief that I am lucky because I have formed such wonderful friendships over the years.

These are just examples of what makes me happy on a daily basis — nothing grand, just the simple things in life. It’s like an escape from reality for me. No, I don’t have to go away to find myself; because what I am and how I am are reflected in the eyes of those dear to me. This doesn’t mean though that I have to find happiness in other people because only I have the power to make myself happy. I have the choice to smile and start the day right or frown and torment myself with unnecessary thoughts.

 Right now, I am happy. That’s all that matters.